A Quick Guide on How to Use Hashtags


In the world of social media, hashtags are used to identify specific posts on different platforms. It becomes an extraordinary marketing tool that can easily be created and searchable. It started in 2007 on Twitter but are now on various social media platforms. 

A hashtag is a pound sign followed with a word or multi-word phrases. It is a user-generated that contains letters, numbers, and underscores without having spaces, punctuation’s, or symbols. It is part of a social media strategy to boost your brand’s social media engagement. 

The importance of hashtags

Including hashtags on your social media post helps to categorize content for your audience. It allows the users to navigate posts that are relevant to their interest. Through hashtags, people can find your content and engage with you. Proper use of hashtags helps increase your content visibility and boost your social shares. It is also crucial for any business to incorporate hashtags in promoting products or services. 

Tips on how to use hashtags

  • When choosing hashtags, it is essential to pick something that people are usually searching for and can easily remember. A hashtag should be simple, specific, unique, and relevant. 

  • Use trending hashtags to get your content seen by a broader audience. It is a great way to increase brand visibility. 

  • Check each social media platform before using a hashtag. Make sure that it is not used for the wrong reasons. Always search for hashtags that other people are using.

  • It is essential to capitalize on the first letter of every word on your hashtag to improve readability.

  • Do not overuse hashtags, it will leave the impression that you are spamming your followers. Avoid using the same hashtags in every single post that you make and while responding to your audience. Using too many hashtags will lose its value. 

In regards to how hashtags used on each social media platform has little difference. What works on one may not work as well on others. 


Use two hashtags per tweet for the best engagement. Implement geographic hashtags to get maximum exposure for your brand.


It allows up to 30 hashtags but keep it to no more than 11 hashtags per post for the highest level of engagement. You can include hashtags in profile bio and up to 10 hashtags in a story.


Use two hashtags, make sure that hashtags are relevant to the topic you are sharing. However, post without hashtags performs better because Facebook users are not using the hashtag when they search.


It recommends limiting to a maximum of 5 hashtags. Otherwise, the Linkedin algorithm will mark it as spam. Your hashtag should be specific to your post, not just your brand.


Use two unique hashtags to help pinners find relevant content. Use a specific hashtag that describes the content on your pin.

Aim to use hashtags which is specific to niche and industry across the different content post.  Using the right hashtags that are relevant to your business and audience will ensure increased brand visibility—leading to higher engagement and more customers.


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